Civic Education Program is one of the four main programs of Scholar Institute. This program is designed to promote the civic competency and responsibilities among young people. Civic Education Program has been intensively training the youths to become active and, engaged citizens for many years. It provides the space for youths to develop their skills and capacities step by step through conversation clubs and other relevant activities. The program also provides the capacity building trainings such as youth empowerment training, training of trainers, other necessary trainings for club organizers and responsible persons of the activities.
Enhancing the Capacity of conflict affected communities, IDPs and related civil society organizations on participatory humanitarian-development-peace nexus programing in reducing vulnerability and increased resilience in Rakhine, Myanmar Funded by European Union (Jan 2022 – Jan 2024)
This consortium NRM Project is implemented AHCT members comprised of Peace and Development Initiative (PDiKintha), Scholar Institute (SI), Rakhine Youth New Generation (RYNG), Rakhine Ethnics Congress (REC), Rakhine Women’s Initiative Organization (RWIO), Wan Lark Development. The Nexus Project aims to enhance the capacity of conflict affected communities, internally displaced people and related CSO institutions in Rakhine for participatory nexus programming to ensure dignified and localized emergency assistance, access to educational opportunities, livelihood, and built-up local capacities for peace.
STEP Democracy Project (Phase I & II) (2014 – 2021) in Rakhine and Magway regions in Myanmar, Funded by European Union
1) To strengthen the UEC capacity to administer the electoral process in a manner that strengthens electoral and risk management capacity and increases confidence of electoral stakeholders, in line with international obligations, principles and good practice
2) To support key electoral stakeholders, including political parties, media and CSOs, to effectively articulate positions, particularly on elections, in order to strengthen the democratic framework
3) To enhance dialogue and cooperation among the political parties and with the UEC in order to engage constructively in the democratic transition and in the electoral process
4) To enhance the capacity of political parties to perform their democratic functions in particular in representation and accountability prior, during and after the elections
5) To contribute to the emergence and consolidation of credible and recognised civil society organisations able to conduct specialized forms of electoral observation (media monitoring)
6) To strengthen civil society’s legal and constitutional reforms analysis and advocacy, based on international laws, EOM recommendations, good practices and lessons learned
7) To increase public awareness of the electoral process and of political and civil rights
8) To encourage a post-election public debate on election and reforms primarily in remote areas of Myanmar

Deepening Social Accountability Project in Rakhine, Kachin, Kayin and Irrawaddy regions in Myanmar (2016 – 2019) in partnership with Oxfam Myanmar, funded by European Union
The project seeks to improve transparency, accountability and people’ s participation in Public Financial Management in order that the effective development outcomes are achieved through participatory and inclusive development planning. And, the project creates constructive policy engagement between communities, CSOs and government departments to inform government policy respond to the community development needs.

Good Citizen project (July 2015 – Feb 2016) in Rakhine State funded by IFES
The project aimed at increasing awareness of electoral process, rights and responsibilities of citizens and participation in election and voting.
Fostering Active citizen of young generation towards Inclusive, free and fair Election (Inclusive Civic Education) project (Jan – Nov 2020) in Rakhine State funded by IFES
The youth-focused project aimed at increasing first-time voters awareness of electoral process, rights and responsibilities of citizens and participation in election and voting.

Electoral Disinformation, Hate Speech and Rumors Management project (July 2020 – Feb 2021), funded by USIP (United States Institute for Peace) in Rakhine State
The project seeks to create engagement plate form to counter the proliferation of disinformation, fake news and hate speech in the communities through empowering monitoring and responding to the potentiality of conflict in communities

Mainstreaming Human Right and Democratic Norms project funded by Friedrich-Naumann Foundation (FNF) (2014)
“Mainstreaming Human Rights and Democratic Norms” has two phases in which the first phase contains cultivating of young 20 trainers of human rights about international human rights norm and democratic concepts, while the second phase intends these trainers to act as multipliers in cascading this knowledge in the communities of western part of Myanmar.

Active Responsible and Democratic Citizenship project funded by Friedrich-Naumann Foundation (FNF) (2014)
The Objective of the project was to articulate active and responsible citizenship and human rights knowledge among Rakhine community in Yangon to support constructive citizens’ participation in democratic transition. 100 Rakhine community youth were trained under this project.