Private Sector Development Program is one of the four main programs of Scholar Institute. This program is designed to support the private sectors entities’ management and development. The main focus of this program is to inform business sector with informative evidences and assessment particularly market survey, business development consultation and the micro-level skills/labor needs assessments and it also provides the responsible business concepts, CSR, good ethnics, and business operational management.
Under this program, Scholar Institute has supported not only business-related stakeholders, it also supports business legal framework and conducted skill need assessment and business profiling. This program target is much more on SMEs development, market linkages, providing access to capital and technical resources and finally, business institutions and reforms. And this dedicated project will mainly focus on the skill development of IDPs in Rakhine State including youths and women to increase household income and assets, with greater control by women. This project will also focus on the ‘Decent Work and Labor Mobility’ by improving economic resilience and social cohesion through more productive Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs),hereby contributing to better employment, income opportunities and social protection for disadvantaged groups.